Mike Sutton
Dr Mike Sutton is the author of 'Nullius in Verba: Darwin's greatest secret'.
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The Frozen Donkey Hypothesis:Adapt or Die!
Mar. 27, 2015 5:16 am
Categories: Counterknowledge, Dysology
Keywords: Frozen Donkey Hypothesis, New Data, honest donkey froze, Darwinist historians, Darwinist Discovery Donkeys
The System of Nature, Or, Laws of the Moral and Physical World, Volumes 1-2 By Paul Henri Thiry Holbach (baron d’), Denis Diderot (1835) pp. 33-34:
“It is therefore in his imagination alone man finds the model of that which he terms order, or confusion, which like all his abstract metaphysical ideas, supposes nothing beyond his reach. Order, however is never more than the faculty of conforming himself with the beings by whom he is environed or with the whole of he forms a part.”
And this pertinent observation on how blind we may be to our own 'institutional bias' leads us to the Frozen Donkey Hypothesis – which applies by the hard facts that are the premise upon which it stands - as much to Alfred Wallace's (1855; 1858) replication of Patrick Matthew's (1831) prior published hypothesis of the natural process of selection as it does to Charles Darwin's (1842; 1844; 1858; 1859).
On one harsh 19th century winter night, an honest donkey froze where it stood on a Parisian boulevard. At daybreak, the people seeing it so lifelike, tried to shoo and beat it out of the way, not realizing it could not move on because it was dead!
If one encounters a frozen donkey in the road, standing, for all the world as though alive, no amount of reasoning, patience, impatient berating or rational cajoling will entice it to shift its position. The donkey is not merely being stubborn. Why not? Because it is bereft of life. The donkey can think no more, all mental faculties have ceased to be. The only solution is to go around it. Darwinist historians of science are behaving like frozen donkeys. Unable to adapt to a sudden change in their circumstances, they succumb to those circumstances. If they continue to do so they will be circumvented by scholars better able to adapt to the New Data. Once significantly circumvented, Darwinist historians of science will lose their power of occupancy in the literature on the topic of the discovery of natural selection. Once that happens they will shortly become intellectually extinct.
The Frozen Donkey Hypothesis is born of the implications of the obvious catastrophic extinction event impact of the New Data (Sutton 2014 ) on Darwinist professional and amateur historians of science, who reveal by their plainly biased responses to it, that they are necessarily concerned – if they are to remain so named Darwinists and not be re-born Matthewists – with ignoring the rational implications of the new disconfirming hard evidence for their prior soft knowledge beliefs in their namesake’s “independent” discovery of a prior published hypothesis that was read, and the book containing it cited, by naturalists who were Darwin’s admitted influencers and associates and correspondents- even though Darwin himself fallaciously wrote in 1860 that no naturalist known to him had read it.
We must now go around Darwin's, soon to be, intellectually extinct Discovery Donkeys because their minds, remaining frozen, are incapable of grasping what happened to them and their disconfirmed unevidenced beliefs about their namesake.
Confirming the theory of natural selection, those most fit to survive after the impact of the New Data will enjoy a power of occupancy in the intellectual niche once occupied by the now extinct, unadaptable, herds of Darwinist Discovery Donkeys.
The Enlightenment
Brodie, A. (2007):
'The enlightened person accepts the word of authority not as something to which he has to say ‘yes’, but as something to which it is appropriate to subject to critical analysis. The question for the enlightened person therefore is whether the word of authority can stand up to cross-examination before the tribunal of reason. If it can then it is accepted because it is sanctioned not by authority but by reason. If on the other hand it cannot withstand the cross-examination then it has to be discarded, however exalted the source.'
Brodie, A. (2007) The Scottish Enlightenment: The Historical Age of the Historical Nation. Edinburgh. Birlinn Ltd.
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