Mike Sutton
Dr Mike Sutton is the author of 'Nullius in Verba: Darwin's greatest secret'.
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Scotland Celebrates Patrick Matthew: Immortal Great Originator, Thinker and Influencer in Science
Oct. 7, 2017 3:48 am
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Last weekend I attended the Carse of Gowrie Sustainability Group's Patrick Matthew Festival Weekend , which was funded by the UK National Lottery Heritage Fund.
Matthew is the true originator of the theory of macroevolution by natural selection. He is proven to have been cheated out of his full first and foremost priority for prior publishing it by Charles Darwin, his associates, and the scientific establishment. See Sutton 2016 for the detailed 600 page account and the new abridged and updated paperback (vol 1 of a total of 3 forthcoming volumes) See: vol 1, now out in paperback Sutton 2017 .
Many of Matthew's descendants attended the event last week . They came from around the World.

The Courier (newspaper)Attribution
At the first Patrick Matthew Celebration Weekend Festival September/October 2017
Boat tours were given on the river Tay to see the remnants of the rail bridge disaster and hear all the gruesome details about Matthew's accurate predictions that it would happen.
Matthew's once long lost grave site has been discovered and marked with an information board and QR code in the graveyard. A suitable headstone for the real originator of the unifying theory of biology will be erected soon.
I gave a lecture, based on my book, on the timeline of independently verifiable facts from the 19th century publication record that prove Darwin told multiple deliberately self-serving ies about the readership and content of Matthew's (1831) book On Naval Timber and Arboriculture. The facts I discussed prove also that Darwin's associate and correspondent, John Lindley committed a crafty theft of Matthew's right to be attributed in the 19th century with being first to introduce and propagate giant redwood trees in the UK.

(c) Andy Sutton (c) Mike Sutton. All Rights ReservedUsed only with express written permission
Second Edition of Nullius in Verba: Darwin's greatest secret
The Patrick Matthew Trail has been been signposted and marked with QR codes.
Priceless original letters from Charles Darwin to Patrick Matthew have been donated by Ian Hardie to the National Museum of Scotland, Letters from Matthew to Lord Kinnaird are on display in Bell Library Perth. The next step is to build the Patrick Matthew Museum In the Carse of Gowrie. And plans for that are now afoot.
Moves are being made as I write to make a major television documentary on the facts of Darwin's great science fraud by plagiary, the role of the scientific establishment and its toadying acolytes and dunderheaded de facto servants, in suppressing the facts.
Influential Scots now aim to have Matthew's image on Scottish currency.
The newly discovered and independently verifiable facts in the story of Matthew. Darwin and Wallace re-write the history of discovery of macro evolution by natural selection.
This is a major story in the field of science, history, politics, science fraud and unscholarly cowardly fear and loathing of unwelcome verifiable facts by those with the misplaced power to censor and suppress them. The long dead culprits and their modern contemporaries are being, and will be, judged and shamed by their own behaviour, the facts - and how society responds to them - accordingly. Their fully evidenced shameful activities will be headlines in national newspapers in the near future.
All facts are the friends of truth and science, whether or not some people don't understand them, dislike and fear them and their immediate implications. Being the most fit to survive, the truth has a habit of establishing a power of occupancy in the end.
Hedge your bets on the side of verifiable veracity, not mere wishful thinking belief
After my lecture at the Patrick Matthew celebratory weekend I dined to the sound of bagpipes and beautiful singing with the the Scottish lawyer, Ian Hardie, and a major hedge fund manager from the City (London). The investment fund manager told me that the only reason some university academics are currently engaging in inappropriate behavior to seek to suppress the newly discovered facts is because they have never before been faced with facts that demolish their beliefs. He said that were he to act as they are doing, his world famous hedge fund would collapse inside 24 hours. He explained how hedge fund managers must keep a completely open mind - and to check and weigh the evidence -during every second of their working day. There is a great lesson for all dunderheads to at least try to think about in that analogous example. Adapt or die!
Albert Einstein wrote that imagination, not learning, is the mark of intelligence. Risk averse fact deniers and other unthinking brute censors should ask themsleves how their behaviour would look as a Daily Mail headline .
Vae Victus!
Research has impact on the superb Scottish tourist and heritage industry

Carse of Gowrie Sustainability GroupAttribution
I am delighted my research contributed to the building of the Patrick Matthew Trail and to be acknowledged, along with others, accordingly.
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