Mike Sutton
Dr Mike Sutton is the author of 'Nullius in Verba: Darwin's greatest secret'.
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Culture in the Spin@age: A Look at Spin@ch in Fashion, Pregnancy, Nutrition and Cinema
May 14, 2014 4:21 pm
Categories: Counterknowledge, Dysology
Keywords: spin@ge, spin@ch, bright cellophane wrapper, old sweater and skirt, Current scientific knowledge, spinach, women and health, iron, Elizabeth Hawes
Mother: “Eat your broccoli dear.”
Girl Child: “I say it's spinach-and I say to hell with it.”
- New Yorker cartoon (1928)[1]
Eventually she will look inside Fashion’s bright cellophane wrapper before she buys the contents. She will seriously consider the quality and usefulness of the very thing, the epitome of all chic, the height of all glamour. She will settle comfortably back in an old sweater and skirt and idly remark to ninety percent of what she sees: I SAY TO HELL WITH IT.
- Elizabeth Hawes (1938) Fashion is Spinach
"Current scientific knowledge is that we can absorb no more than 1 mg of the 6.6 mg of iron that is at most likely to be found in a standard 13.5 oz can of spinach (see Sutton 2011b). This means that if no other source of iron is available, a man aged 19-50 would in fact need to eat at least eight cans of spinach every day to get his required level of iron, a woman of the same age would need to eat 18 cans, and a pregnant woman would need to consume a nauseating 27, which - at 10 oz of solid matter per can when drained - is well over a stone (14 lb) of the stuff."
-Mike Sutton (2011) Death by Spinach
4. Despite all the knowledge-gap filling rhetorical mythmongering of highly respected expert scientists, the current research evidence shows that there never was a crucially misleading decimal point error in the iron content of spinach. Moreover, E.C. Segar (Popeye's creator) chose spinach as the source of America's first superhero's powers for its vitamin A content (betacarotene) - and never promoted its consumption for iron content (see Sutton 2010).
5. Segar had no control over how his newsprint comic strip invention was utilised in the cinema. Yet in the cinema, as the main feature picture of this blog reveals, iron metaphors were incorporated into the movie cartoons. Segar had earlier done the same thing in his newsprint comic strip:
6. I'm currently writing up the results of my research on this topic for a e-book I plan to publish at the end of the year.
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