Sunday, 9 February 2025

Violins With Stories: In the Secret Violin Sop Nottingham

 1. Bobbie Salter's violin (RAF airman)


3,  The Patrick Matthew Violin

4.  The Mull of Kintyre Violin:

5. The Ashover Violin

Monday, 15 April 2024

Science Fraud by Mike Sutton, Discount Code for 40% Off the Retail Price

 To get a 40% discount on the price of  Science Fraud, the book, available from Curtis Press. Go to Curtis Press and simply use the code suttonsites24 for a 40% discount on this book.

Sunday, 12 November 2023

The Spinage Supermyth Positively Affirmed as a Problem in Science in the British Medical Journal

 I am delighted to see the importance of the Spinach Supermyth, which I (Dr Mike Sutton) discovered in 2009, is now positively affirmed as a problem in the British medical Journal in 2023. The free PDF of that important article is available to download HERE

The BMJ page on it is HERE (archived HERE)

Saturday, 12 August 2023

Shame on the Smithsonian Museum

 The "Museum Industry" is incredibly corrupt. They employ pseudo-scientific curators to mis-sell stories to the public in order to pay for their erroneous exhibits.

The Smithsonian is just one culprit. They are fact denying to keep alive the Wright Brothers story that is in fact completely demolished by empirical data they refuse to deal with. Check it all out in this superb documentary "First Flight" HERE .

Watch the video then read the fact denial nonsense written by so many Wright Brother superfans. 

We see this empirical fact denial behaviour all the time when it busts beloved myths,

Friday, 13 January 2023

The Darwin Fraud

 The Darwin Myth is bust by newly discovered empirical data 

You have been misled by those who pretend to themselves and to others that they are scientists, historians and proper academic scholars.


Wednesday, 2 February 2022

Brian J. Ford on Nonscience

 Brain J. Ford on the Sonia Poulton show in January 2022

When I contacted Professor Brian Ford to let him know that my "Selby cited Matthew discovery" research had twice been plagiarised in the Biological Journal of the Linnean Society it was me to who Brian responded with what he says in the above the video. 

"If you’re in the public eye and you make an impression, people are going to steal your work. It's actually the ultimate compliment. If in science you haven't been plagiarised, it's because you haven't done anything decent. The minute you do, some miserable two-faced, dishonest bastard is going to come along and steal your work and claim it's his own."

In this programme Professor Brian Ford, on a broadcast show hosted by Sonia Poulton and Sean Ward provides us with the perfect quote on plagiarism. It should become a renowned quote, just so long as it is not plagiarised and attributed to another person. To try to prevent that happening I have added this video and his words on plagiarism to his page on - a  website all about the worlds greatest science fraud by plagiarism. If you read Brian's book "Nonscience" you will find quite a bit about plagiarism, including Darwin's plagiarism of Patrick Matthew. 

Incidentally, an "expert" in Latin and etymology will tell you "The word plagiarism has a curious history. It is derived from the Latin plagiarius—literally, a kidnapper who ensnares children or slaves in a plaga (net)."  

Good grief! Were such people with their nets just like the evil Child Catcher form Chitty Chitty Bang Bang? 

Someone like me can tell you that I found that Latin route of plagiarism information on the Internet and, having studied the topic just a bit, I know it's correct. What does this tell us about experts? Either way, if I ever definitely need heart or brain surgery for an expertly verifiable fact, I think I will go to an "expert" to perform the surgery rather than ask Brian to do it on his kitchen table. That said, an "expert" surgeon wanted to give my wife an operation to remove fibroids, that carried a 50% chance of rendering her "sterile" so she could increase her chances of conceiving a child. As a non-expert on surgery I thought about it and said we would defer our decision and try to conceive for another year. No surgery was required (with no 50:50 chance of it going wrong and additional risks of death from the anaesthetic etc etc). We now have a daughter. Conclusion = Brian has a point, but his book is satirical and so everything in it should not be taken literally. Reality is often (not always) more nuanced than this programme lets on. But then that's entertainment folks! So being most entertaining carries risks. I don't know, perhaps we should ask Donald Trump and Boris Johnson about that one? But would they tell us the truth? And if they didn't, would their millions of adoring fans care?