Dysology Posts

Saturday, 28 November 2020

President Donald Trump is Raving Bonkers

 The burden of proof on someone making a claim of wrong doing is on the clamant to prove the claim is true, not on others to prove it isn't so. Why? Because stark raving lunatics like Donald Trump can make up anything they like and claim it is true. It is not up to us to waste our time disproving it.


Tuesday, 10 November 2020

Donald Trump 666

 Mark of the Devil - his number is 666 😅😅😅

Sunday, 8 November 2020

The Donald Trump Virtual Museum of Mockery

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Trump loves the uneducated. He does not care how many of them and their children he can kill with his fake news. Many will not take the COVID19 vaccine because of him: https://www.healthwatch-uk.org/images/Newsletters/Number_105.pdf

Trump's lawyer reveals just how deranged he is . . Recorded for (ahem) posterity .

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