Dysology Posts

Tuesday, 29 December 2015

Proof of my idiocy in the global village

Eric Idle and I share a five-minute argument

John Cleese marks my 'school for the gifted' Tweet 10/10 Eat your heart out Marshall McLuhan

10/10 https://t.co/4cb5Pzti3Y

— John Cleese (@JohnCleese) December 29, 2015 ">plagiarism out Marshal McLuhan:

Monday, 28 December 2015

Beyond the Comfort Zone

On Christmas Eve, I commissioned my friend the Nottingham portrait artist Gabe Woods to paint an oil on canvas picture of the metaphorical 'comfort zone'.
I want this picture to use as a teaching device for the small minority of students who complain that we are making them think too hard. Honestly. I'm serious. This actually is a student complaint these days.
"Only when you leave your comfort zone," I always inform such uncomfortably-brain-hurting students, "do you ever learn anything. Be glad, therefore, to be uncomfortable in your university education."
Furthermore, I say:
"Would you otherwise wish to pay so much for what you already know - or could find out without our expert help? We are here not so much to impart knowledge - but to help you think. And good thinking - 'best thinking' is uncomfortable."
Gabe and I discussed some ideas as to how he might fulfil this brief. I've no idea what we are going to end up with. I want it to be something students can be asked to go and pay a visit to. Something they will stand before, contemplate and be - hopefully - moved by.

Meanwhile, I decided to use the BigData-IDD method    to find the origins of the term.

At the time of writing (28.December, 2015) the the shameless plagiarizing editors of the unreliable so-called encyclopedia Wikipedia have no idea when the term was first coined.
I discovered that once again I can get back further than the etymological experts with my BigDada-IDD technique. For example, the best selling etymologist David Wilton writes   :
'comfort zone, n. When introduced in 1923, this term referred to home heating. It wasn’t until the 1970s that the phrase began to be applied metaphorically.'
Wilton is right about the built environment heating origins. But the term occurred in print at least a decade earlier than his best efforts could detect - in the 'Heating and Ventilating Magazine' Building Systems Design, Volume 10, (1913) on page    30:
ESTABLISHMENT OF A COMFORT ZONE. Before working very long, it became evident that there was a temperature and humidity range within which the occupants of the rooms were comfortable.
In my opinion, far more interesting, however, is that the extremely rare phrase 'comfort's zone' occurred first, and once only, in a poem of 1819. In 'Aonian Hours and other Poems' by W. H. Wiffen:   
Is this the etymological origin of 'comfort zone'?
Oxford Dictionaries online    has a good explanation of the concept of the comfort zone metaphor:
(a) A situation where one feels safe or at ease or settled. (b) Method of working that requires little effort and yields only barely acceptable results: if you stay within your comfort zone you will never improve.'

An interesting publication on the metaphor of the comfort zone

Sunday, 27 December 2015

Pseudo-stupidity in the Darwin Industry

What Might Possibly be the Impact of the Current States of Denial of the New Discovery of Matthew's influence on Darwin's and Wallace's Influencers?

Stanley Cohen's (2001) 'Staes of Denial: Knowing about atrocities and suffering   ' explains how people deny the significance of sufficient evidence that something is happening or happened in the past. Cohen explains how people do this with regard to a range of things such as marital infidelity, alcoholism, terminal illness, child abuse and genocide:

Patrick Matthew
the originator of the
full hypothesis of
natural selection
'One common thread runs through the many different stories of denial: people, organizations, governments or whole societies are presented with information that is too disturbing, threatening or anomalous to be fully absorbed or openly acknowledged. The information is therefore somehow repressed, disavowed, pushed aside or reinterpreted. Or else the information 'registers' well enough, but its implications - cognitive, emotional or moral - are evaded, neutralized or rationalized away.'
Stanley Cohen (2001) States of Denial: Knowing about atrocities and suffering. p. 1.

Linking Cohen's ideas on 'states of denial' with Sykes's and Matza's (1957) Classification of the Techniques of Guilt Neutralization    provides a powerful combination of explanatory frameworks that helps us to understand how bias is the beginning of the spectrum of dysology that leads ultimately to the capacity to create hate crime in human societies.
If the logic of Sutton's 2015 'States of Denial Spectrum Hypothesis' stands up and if it is not disconfirmed by evidence regarding how hate crimes emerge and flourish, then - for example - the current evolutionary biology micro-cultural 'state of denial' of the existence and significance of the New Evidence (Sutton 2014   ) about who did read Patrick Matthew's (1831) original ideas on natural selection before Darwin and Wallace (1858) replicated them is a social problem in need of a solution. And if it is, then dreadfully biased historical scholarship in the field of evolutionary biology is just one among the great multitude of examples of published poor scholarship, in all fields of enquiry, in need of rather urgent attention.
Mike Sutton's (2015) 'States of Denial Spectrum Hypothesis'.

A note on 'states of denial' and the scientific community's belief in the version of events supplied by evolutionary biologists on the discovery of natural selection.

Evolutionary biologists have got themselves into an embarrassing "State of Denial" about the newly discovered sufficient evidence that Matthew did influence Darwin and Wallace..
The literature record proves that Darwin lied by writing the very opposite to the fact we 100% know he knew to be true when. in 1860, Matthew informed him in writing that two naturalists had read Matthew's (1831) original ideas on natural selection. One - the famous naturalist John Loudon - cited him. Darwin's published lie in response to these facts was that Matthew's ideas had been completely unread. And Darwin convinced his readers by that very lie that Matthew could not have influenced him or Wallace or any of their pre-1858 influencers.
Darwin's lie was malevolent (Cohen p, 22) because he knew all the facts but blatantly lied to conceal the truth (here). According to Cohen, such convincing lying reinforces the liar's own denial of the real facts (Cohen, S 2001 'States of Denial' page 31).
Incidentally, besides in fact his 1831 book is newly discovered to have been cited by seven naturalists pre 1858 (as opposed to the Darwinist version that none read his ideas) the originator of natural selection, Patrick Matthew, most likely influenced Herbert Spencer (via Robert Chambers - who is one of those seven naturalists). See here   .
The New Data that proves there were routes for knowledge contamination from Matthew's 1831 ideas to Darwin and Wallace via the four naturalists they knew who read Matthew's book and cited it pre-1858. In fact, they cited it years before Darwin or Wallace published a word on the topic. Cohen (p. 22) helps us interpret what this means:
'Denial is always partial, some information is always registered. This paradox - or doubleness - knowing and not knowing is the heart of the concept. It creates what Wurmser nicely calls 'Pseudo-stupidity.'
And we have seen plenty of pseudo-stupidity so far in the mass media and on various social media with various attempts to spin the obvious significance of the new facts into a Darwinist comfort blanket of denial that they have any significance at all - despite the fact they completely puncture the myth upon which Darwinists have built their paradigm of belief in Darwin's and Wallace's claims to have each independently discovered Matthew's prior-published original ideas. Those same ideas we now newly know did influence Darwin's and Wallace's facilitators, influencers and friends who not only read but cited them in the newly re-discovered literature. See: here   .
It seems to me - after reading Stanley Cohen's excellent book "States of Denial: Knowing about atrocities and suffering' - that such biased scholarship combines to create an enabling environment for all kinds of dangerous quackery and claptrap, as well as a dysological pseudo-scholarly soup in which hate crime can grow and flourish. If this turns out to be the case, then evolutionary biologists - writing disproven fallacies on the history of discovery of natural selection - are just one micro-culture of scholars who are unwittingly (or perhaps half-wittedly) making the world a dangerous and unpleasant place in which to live.See: here. I believe we all have a duty to ensure such pseudo-stupidity does not prevail in the world of science and history of discovery.

Further key points on Cohen's  (2001) 'States of Denial' in terms of Darwinist 'states of denial'
  • "Why though is it a 'paradox' that denial relieves us from immediate anxiety, but that we must 'renounce its comforts' to remain alert to long-term dangers?" (p.31) [Note: I think my States of Denial Spectrum answers this question].
  • In 1860 Matthew, wrote two letters to the Gardener's Chronicle to inform its editor and readership that he had - 27 years before Darwin and Wallace - had published his original discovery of the entire complex hypothesis of natural selection and his original coining of the artificial versus natural selection 'analogy of differences', which perfectly explains it. Both letters were published. Darwin (1859) and Wallace (1858) replicated both. In his first letter, Matthew informed Darwin that the internationally famous botanist/biologist and polymath naturalist John Loudon had reviewed his book. Darwin knew Loudon's work well. His pre-1858 notebooks are jam packed with references to his work - some of which Darwin heavily annotated. Darwin's best friend Joseph Hooker knew Loudon and his work well - pre-1858 Hooker referenced Loudon's work many times and, reviewed it highly in the press and corresponded in praise of Loudon. That 1832 review of Matthew's book by Loudon contained the following line: (Loudon, 1832: 702-703) 'One of the subjects discussed in this appendix is the puzzling one, of the origin of species and varieties; and if the author has hereon originated no original views (and of this we are far from certain), he has certainly exhibited his own in an original manner . Darwin replied to Matthew's (1860) published letter with a lie - claiming the opposite to what he had just been informed by Matthew. Darwin wrote that no naturalist had read Matthew's ideas:" I think that no one will feel surprised that neither I, nor apparently any other naturalist, had heard of Mr Matthew's views, "Darwin's 1860 letter of reply was published in the Gardener's Chronicle. Matthew replied with a second published letter to Darwin - correcting him by making it very plain that another naturalist had also read his original ideas but feared teaching them because they trespassed on the territory of natural divinity, which dominated science in the first half of the 19th century. Matthew (1860) wrote back and the Gardener's Chronicle published his second letter: 'I notice in your Number of April 21 Mr. Darwin’s letter honourably acknowledging my prior claim relative to the origin of species. I have not the least doubt that, in publishing his late work, he believed he was the first discoverer of this law of Nature. He is however wrong in thinking that no naturalist was aware of the previous discovery. I had occasion some 15 years ago to be conversing with a naturalist, a professor of a celebrated university, and he told me he had been reading my work “Naval Timber,” but that he could not bring such views before his class or uphold them publicly from fear of the cutty-stool, a sort of pillory punishment, not in the market-place and not devised for this offence, but generally practised a little more than half a century ago. It was at least in part this spirit of resistance to scientific doctrine that caused my work to be voted unfit for the public library of the fair city itself. The age was not ripe for such ideas, nor do I believe is the present one,..' Darwin responded to this second letter with his same lie. Following Matthew's detailed information to the contrary he wrote a private letter to the famous French naturalist Quatrefages de Bréau in his letter of April 25, 1861 Darwin lied:"I have lately read M. Naudin's paper; but it does not seem to me to anticipate me, as he does not shew how Selection could be applied under nature; but an obscure writer on Forest Trees, in 1830, in Scotland, most expressly & clearly anticipated my views—though he put the case so briefly, that no single person ever noticed the scattered passages in his book." Then in 1861 in the Third Edition of the Origin of Species - and in every edition thereafter, Darwin continued that exact same great self serving lie about Matthew's book, and who read the ideas in it. That third lie corrupted - for 155 years - the history of the discovery of natural selection. Darwin (1861) wrote in the third edition of The Origin of Species - despite being informed of the exact opposite by Matthew only the year before - the following lie:' Unfortunately the view was given by Mr Matthew very briefly in scattered pages in an Appendix to a work on a different subject, so that it remained unnoticed until Mr Matthew himself drew attention to it in the Gardener’s Chronicle.'These are clear lies by Darwin because as Cohen (2001,p, 37) explains, in relation to lies in general, they are assertions that are known to be untrue. They were written with an intention to deceive and dupe the world about the facts and the false intentions of the liar - Charles Darwin.
  • Darwin's best friend - Joseph Hooker - approved Darwin's (1860) lying letter of reply to the Gardener's Chronicle, signed, re-dated it and forwarded Darwin's letter of reply to the Editor at Darwin's insistence. Hooker, who had earlier in 1858 misled the Linnean Society into believing Wallace gave his permission for his Ternate paper to be read before the society in accompaniment with Darwin's, knew Loudon was an internationally famous naturalist and yet he approved Darwin's lie. Why?. We may speculate that Hooker was possibly engaged in an act of what Cohen p, 40 refers to as ' self-deception'. : "So long as they remained ignorant of the details they could 'say later 'We didn't know'". Perhaps Hooker knew there were facts to the contrary, but was deliberately ignorant of the details of those facts?In this role he played in the story of Mattew and Darwin, Hooker may have sought to ensure he remained willfully ignorant of exactly what Loudon had written in 1832 about Matthew's original ideas.'
  • Alternatively, Hooker knowing colluded in a great cover-up with Darwin in order to help his best friend commit the World's greatest science fraud by way of plagiarising glory theft of the influence of the originator Matthew on the scientific community. This might be so, since I originally discovered in 2014    that Loudon went on to edit two journal articles on the topic of organic evolution written by Blyth (1855, 1856). And Byth was Darwin's prolific informant and influencer. For Darwin or Hooker to admit that Loudon cited Matthew's original ideas would mean admitting that 'knowledge contamination' routes existed between Matthew's 1831 book and Darwin's and Wallace's supposedly independent replications of his original ideas and explanatory examples.
  • We know Darwin acted in 'bad faith' by lying that Matthew's bombshell ideas were unread before he replicated them, and that Hooker may have been acting in similar bad faith. But what of other Darwinists? Cohen (2001, p.40) wrote of how the majority of Germans in WWII must have known that something dreadful was being done to the Jews but that they chose, as an act of 'bad faith', not to want to know the details. In that way, they both knew and did not know that something dreadful was happening. They were in a particular 'state of bad faith denial' Perhaps, by way of analogy, the Royal Society Darwin medal winners Sir Gavin de Beer and Ernst Mayor were acting in bad faith when they simply parroted Darwin's great lie that Matthew's ideas were unread by anyone/any biologist. They being the World's leading experts in the field we might be forgiven for insisting that they must surely have read Matthew's two 1860 letters to Darwin about two naturalists who had read his original ideas. Remaining ignorant of the details whilst parroting Darwin's lie suggests de Beer and Mayr were both in a 'state of denial' - either as an act of deliberate bad faith - or else their 'active denial' (Cohen 2001, p. 32) by way of 'plugging leaks' in the story of Darwin's and Wallace's claimed independent discoveries of Matthew's original ideas with deliberate lies. In light of what I have uniquely discovered, it would be an act of bad faith for us not to ask the Royal Society: 'Could de Beer and Mayer (or any other Darwin Medal winner) win the Darwin Medal by writing the dreadful truth about Darwin's lies about who really read Matthew's ideas before Darwin replicated them.
  • In light of my original (Sutton 2014)    discovery that, as opposed to the prior 'knowledge claim' that no one known to Darwin or Wallace read Matthew's original ideas on natural selection before they replicated them in 1858, that seven naturalists read them - four known to Darwin/Wallace and three (Loudon, Chambers and Selby) at the epicentre of influence on their work on the same topic - read and cited Matthew's book pre-1858 - it would be an act of bad faith for us to fail to investigate the private journal and correspondence archives of those seven naturalists (and those they knew) to see whether Darwin or any of his closest associates (such as Lyell, Joseph and William Hooker, Wallace, Huxley or Jenyns etc) to investigate whether they knew about Matthew's original discovery pre-1858.
  • In light of the 100 percent proof that - as opposed to none - we now know that there are several newly-unearthed routes of potential knowledge contamination of Matthew's original ideas into the pre-1858 minds of Darwin and Wallace via their influencers, it is arguably an act of bad faith, therefore for other scholars (e.g.Weale 2015   ) to deny the significance of the New Data by simply, without evidence, or critical argument, dismissing its significance by merely claiming that the evidence that Matthew influenced Darwin and Wallace is simply "weak" and not, therefore, worthy of their academic consideration.
  • Darwin's expert biographer, James Moore (2014)    responded in the national press to the original news that I had discovered naturalists who did read and cite Matthew's ideas. His response was the knee-jerk dismissal that he doubted I had discovered anything new that had not already been discovered and interpreted in the opposite direction. Moore's fallacious dismissal (Cohen 2001, p.31) of the facts being anything new might - depending on his state of mind and intentions - be described as (a) 'a psychotic negation of manifest facts'; (b) a 'plugging of leaks' in the orthodox story by lying (Cohen 2001, p.31) (c) a refusal (state of denial by dually knowing and not knowing) refusal to believe it or an inability to 'take it in' (Cohen 2001, p.24.) because, if true, the facts seriously threaten his sense of personal and professional cultural identity.

Conclusion and the way forward

The notion of the 'comfort zone' is useful for helping us understand the function played by being in a 'state of denial' of uncomfortable facts.
There is much in the behaviour of Darwin and his Darwinists that is worthy of further investigation by social scientists interested in 'states of denial', veracity, and science fraud by plagiarising glory theft.

Saturday, 19 December 2015

A Most Ironic Case of Claimed Independent Multiple Discovery of Prior Published Discovery and Ideas

Just for the record Frank Furedi.

To avoid any more ironic "Staes of Denial", I originally bust the Moral panic Myth in 2013, when I proved that despite 45 years of claims made by British criminologists that they invented both the phrase and the concept of moral panic in the late 1960s and early 1970s, new research of the literature reveals that both have in fact been in use throughout the last 183 years in the USA and Europe

This blog post is a story abut exactly how dysological academic myths start.

As if it was not enough that a bone-headed Wikipedia editor named "Orange Mike" gleefully deleted the link the reference on the Moral Panic page of that encyclopedia - which a kind soul posted in 2013 to my original and prior published busting of the myth that Stanley Cohen coined the term and concept of the moral panic on 10th April 2013    - now a brother criminologist, Frank Furedi, has written an article that implies very strongly, in my opinion, that it is he who has priority for my published discovery! Check out his article and my comment on the Times Higher Magazine   .
For those interested in winning the war of veracity over claptrap here is the original article that busts the Moral Panic Myth, which I wrote. It was published on January 15th 2013 at 6.57 US time: HERE on Best Thinking. At the time of writing (18th December 2015), that article has been visited by 4,896 distinct viewers.
Nullius in Verba
Of course, this sort of thing bothers me. That is why I wroteNullius in Verba: Darwin's greatest secret   which is also published with ThinkerBooks.
My book reveals that many Darwinists are in what the late Stanley Cohen describes as a great state of denial    over their namesake's proven science fraud plagiarism by glory-theft of Matthew's prior publication of the entire hypothesis of natural selection.
Now the big question is: was Furedi's a genuine 'independent multiple discovery': or was the brain of Frank Furedi knowledge contaminated by my prior publication of the discovery he replicated?
Read-up on my escalating dynamic typology of Knowledge Contamination: Here

This is a social science question in need of an answer.

As well as being most weirdly ironic, the Furedi multiple is a very valuable case study, simply because it goes to the root of our need to appreciate and build on Robert K Merton's superb work on priority and independent multiple discovery in all the sciences - including social science. Professor Furedi claims to have been unaware of my earlier publication on the origination of the term and concept of "moral panic" whilst conducting a Google search that revealed the same as my earlier published finding. What I find mysterious, therefore, is that he never found my earlier myth bust using the same search technology - since it is the top three hits on the Google search term "Moral Panic Myth" - which any scholar writing on the topic of priority should surely have searched on to ensure THEY were not glory-stealing the original cognate labours of anther.How ironic!
Moral Panic Myth on Google. Top 3 hits. My work going back to 2013.
Currently, I am in the middle of writing a sociology journal article on the topic of priority and multiples. Consequently, this blog post essentially does two things. (1) It stamps my desire to ensure my glory is not stolen and (2) it is a request for Frank to help me out with my research into this area in the comments section below.
After I tweeted him today on this topic Frank promptly and very kindly responded that he would acknowledge my priority (here   ) and claimed to have been unaware of my prior published work in the field (here   ) - (which is odd because we follow one another on Twitter. And I Twitter on and trumpet from the rooftops rather a lot about it) . On the question of the concept of 'knowledge contamination' - he responded that I should "grow up" (here   ). I think he thought better of it and deleted that one tweet just as I retweeted it back into life. Such are the dangers of social media where "delete never means delete". I've requested he retract that published statement. I have also written to the Editor of the Times Higher Magazine - informing him of my prior publications in the area of Furedi's article and asking if I might also be allowed just 1,000 words in that esteemed publication to share my ORIGINAL BigData findings with its readership.
Personally, I think the topic of claimed independent multiple discoveries - and implied discovery by academic failure to seek out and cite the cognate labours of others - is a most grown up and particularly serious topic in academia. I am very interested in studying the complex problem of claimed cryptomnesia in research replication of prior published work.
My hero on this topic is Rober K. Merton, who is widely considered a sociological genius, He spent an academic lifetime on research and publication focused on this very issue. That's good enough for me. Mind you, there is myth about Merton that I hope nobody overtly or implies they originally discovered independently of my prior discovery and publication on it.
Anyway, I replied to Frank via twitter    that perhaps he might care to help out with my research into such claimed multiple independent discoveries of prior published work via the comments section below. I have also made Frank aware of my research on this very topic and asked for his assistance with his own case of claimed independent multiple discovery of a prior published finding (here   ).

On which note, I'd like to begin by asking Frank very directly:

(Q. 1) "Since, in the Times Higher Education Magazine article    you say you used the very same BigData Google method that I used to debunk the moral panic myth, how is it you missed my prior publication of the busting of the myth?

Sunday, 8 November 2015

The Real Etymology of Thanksgiving

The website of the History Channel - History.com    provides a neat summary of the history of the first American Thanksgiving in the Plymouth settlement in America, which is marked as the year following the first 1620 settlement of those who sailed from Plymouth, England, to what they then, unimaginatively, named Plymouth - in America - where they settled:
'In November 1621, after the Pilgrims’ first corn harvest proved successful, Governor Wiliam Bradford organized a celebratory feast andinvited a group of the fledgling colony’s Native American allies, including the Wampanoag chief Massasoit. Now remembered as American’s “first Thanksgiving”—although the Pilgrims themselves may not have used the term at the time—.


Whilst Americans get together on the fourth Thursday in November every year for the sensational celebrations, the word Thanksgiving (and the term thanks giving) had been used regularly back in England and Scotland to name officially days of Christian religious celebration - usually in thanks for some kind of peace following military victory.Thanksgiving days were, therefore, a tradition brought over to the American colonies from England and Scotland.
Nullius in Verba
The BigData-ID Method (See the freely available Chapter Two in my book: Nullius in Verba Darwin's greatest Secret)   once again, just as it does in the case of theEaster BunnyHalloween and Guy Fawkes Night, beats the Oxford English Dictionary and all other etymological sources to reveal the apparent first English-language use of the term thanksgiving day, as well as its apparent first use to refer to the American celebration - but not the one in Plymouth.

The Plymouth Brethren were far from being first with a Thanksgiving day in America.

There are in fact many contested cases in the USA for far earlier Thanksgiving days (see Coleman 2015)   . For example, see the 1622 publication of Virginia's Thanksgiving sermon of 1616.     Coleman's excellent evidence-led book explains that only a dreadfully poor historian would claim that the origin of the term 'thanksgiving day' or even the origin of the concept of the American holiday to celebrate it has its roots in Plymouth, Massachusetts, in 1621. The only reason so many American's have been fooled is because long powerful and dominant interest groups in America came from that region.

One again BigData-ID English Etymology beats the Oxford English Dictionary into a cocked hat!

The term "thanks giving" -

"Thanks giving" - England 1618   

The term "thanksgiving day"

"Thanks-giving day"- Apparently first published use in England 1648    and 1654 for Thanksgiving day   .
Thanksgiving day used in 1663 as a designated national celebratory day to mark a period of peace following civil conflict - England 1662    and also England 1663   
Thanksgiving day 18th September Oliver Cromwell got Parliament to create a Thanksgiving day for a victory over the Scottish - England 1675   


Here is the best effort of inferior etymology provided by the Oxford English Dictionary (OED) in what it publishes, at the time of writing - (8th November 2015) as the earliest attested publication of thanksgiving day.
  • 1674 J. Josselyn Acct. Two Voy. 214 Towards night I returned to Boston again, the next day being Thanksgiving day, on Friday the Tenth day we weighed Anchor.
  • 1704 N. Luttrell Diary in Brief Hist. Relation State Affairs (1857) V. 460 Sir Christopher Wrenn is erecting a throne in St. Pauls cathedral for her majestie to sittin on the thanksgiving day.
  • 1714 S. Sewall Diary 25 Nov. (1973) II. 776 Thanks-giving day; very cold.
  • 1844 J. G. Whittier Pumpkin iii, Ah! on Thanksgiving day..When the gray-haired New Englander sees round his board The old broken links of affection restored.

Sunday, 1 November 2015

Firework Night, Bonfire Night Guy Fawkes Night: First full November 5th Etymology

November 5th it is what we in the United Kingdom of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland now call Bonfire Night, or else Guy Fawkes' Night or else Firework Night. But, whatever individuals call it now, the day was first celebrated as Gunpowder Treason Day.
November 5th public celebrations of Guy Fawkes effigy burning followed the discovery on 5th November 1605 of the plot to blow up the Protestant Houses of Parliament. Guido - "Guy" - Fawkes and fellow Roman Catholic conspirators were horribly tortured and then horrifically executed by being hung drawn and quartered.
Names for the nightly celebrations of the capture and demise of Guy Fawkes and Co and the saving of Parliament have evolved for over three hundred years.
Just like Wikipedia, my "Cassell's Dictionary of Word and phrase Origins' by Nigel Rees (1992) sums up - with unsatisfactorily vague decade only dates regarding word and phrase origins of these various names. The same criticism goes for Brewers Dictionary of Phrase and Fable (19th Edition 2012) and Chambers Dictionary of Etymology (2012).

Whereas the ID method gets us back as far as 1811 (see my timeline, below and Appendix 1), The Oxford English Dictionary (OED) can get back only as far as 1826 for the first published use of "Guy Fawkes Day:
"1825 W. Hone Every-day Bk. (1826) I. 1430/2 ‘Guy Fawkes-day’, or, as they as often call it, ‘Pope-day’, is a holiday, and.., on account of its festivous enjoyment, is the greatest holiday of the season."
Worse, the OED can get back no further than 1936 for the term 'Bonfire Night', whereas the ID method takes us as far back as 1705 (See my timeline below and evidence in Appendix 1).
From the OED:
"1936 N. Smith 52 Yrs. at Labrador Fishery 114 We opened the Club on Bonfire Night, November 5th."
However, I never realised that Guy Fawkes was the origin of the now commonplace word 'guy'. Cassell's (1992, p. 113):
'Guy: an effigy of Guy Fawkes burned on a bonfire every 5th November to commemorate his part in the gunpowder plot, an attempt to blow up King James 1st and parliament in 1605. Fawkes was executed and the name 'guy' was being applied to such an effigy by the early 19th century at least. From thence, the word was applied to any disreputable person, and thence - particularly in the US from the 1890's - to any man, good as well as bad.'

Timeline (in date order) of the 'at the time of writing' earliest discoverable use of Guy Fawkes Night, November 5th, names:

Using my original Big Data ID research method (Sutton 2014   ), today (1st November 2015) I conducted the first ever fully dated November 5th etymology of the origins of different names for Guy Fawkes Day.
The dates listed in the timeline in this blog post represent the first usage of these names that can be found today amongst the 35+ million books in Google's Library project. No doubt, as more books are scanned, these dates may one day be superseded by new discoveries of earlier usage. For now, however, these dates give us the first ever precise pinpointing of first known useage of various names for Guy Fawkes Day:
  • Gunpowder Treason Day - 1630
  • Gun-powder Treason Day - 1691
  • Bonfire Night - 1705
  • Gunpowder Day - 1768
  • Firework Night - 1801
  • Guy Fawkes Day - 1811
  • Guy Fawkes Night 1832
  • Gunpowder Night - 1854
  • Gunpowder Treason Night - 1860
  • Pope's Night (USA ) - 1860
  • Fireworks Night - 1865
Further original discoveries made with the ID method can be found in my A-Z of newly busted myths in Nullius in Verba: Darwin's Greatest Secret    (that chapter is free for you to to view at Amazon books at absolutely no cost whatsoever).
The ID facilitated Etymology of the Easter Bunny (here)
The ID facilitated Etymology of Halloween (here)

Published evidence for the Full Etymology of Guy Fawkes Night (in no particular order)

The Tripod or New satirist 1811 Guy Fawkes Day   
Is this the first published use of "Guy Fawkes Day"?
The Catholic Magazine and Review (1832) first use Guy Fawkes Night?   
Is this the first published use of "Guy Fawkes'Night"?
Timeline of 'at the time of writing' earliest discoverable use of November 5th idioms, words and phrases:
Gunpowder Treason Day Lohn Boys (1630)   
Is this the first published use of "Gunpowder Treason Day" and "Treason Day"?
Gun-Powder Treason Day Guy Miège (1691)   
Is this the first use of Gun-powder treason Day?
Gunpowder Treason Night: Samuel Greene Arnold (1860)   
Is this the first published use of Gunpowder Treason Night?
Is this the first published use of "Gunpowder day"?
Gunpowder Night (E. Monro 1854   )

Is this the first use of Gun-powder treason Day?
Pope's Night (USA) Ripley and Dana (1860)   
Is this the first published use of Pope's Night?
Is this the first publication of the term Bonfire night?
Fireworks Night - Betham-Edwards (1865)   

Is this the first published use of Fireworks night?
Firework Night - Strutt (1801)   

Is this the first published use of "Firework night"?