Dysology Posts

Wednesday, 17 September 2014

Last of the Historic Sunday Lectures at Conway Hall was on the Newly Discovered Disgrace of Darwin and Wallace

After 104 years of prestigious presentations    the Ethical Society will adopt a new format of Sunday Debates in 2015. Click HERE to read the full story of the last historic lecture at Conway Hall, that was on the discovery of the plagiarism of Patrick Matthew's prior publication of 1831.


Sutton, M. (2014) A Dreadful Discovery: Big Data Proves Wallace and Darwin Counterfeit Discoverers. Journal Ethical Record. Volume 119 Issue 8 .Pages 7-14 Publisher Conway Hall Ethical Society Full issue available here: http://ethicalrecord.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/Ethical-Record-August-September-2014.pdf   

Wednesday, 10 September 2014

When Naming Jack the Ripper Remember the Piltdown Man Sciance Fraud

A new book - published only yesterday - has become an instant best seller. It's a good book. I like it. However, it is beset by the unresolved unfortunate possibility that science fraud was involved in reaching the author's conclusions. I hope all of my suspicions can be allayed.

I actually want to know that I can feel confident the author has finally and uniquely solved the great science and criminological  problem of "who was Jack the Ripper" because I want to toast him and his scientific collaborator. But I can't just yet. To find out why not, please read my critical review here.

Wednesday, 3 September 2014

The Unholy Irrational Trinity of Faith

Following the discovery of Darwin's and Wallace's great science fraud Darwinists are left with nought but an irrational trinity of faith. Click here to read more about this argument.